What is a fictitious name or DBA (Doing Business As) and why would I need one?
What is a fictitious name or DBA (Doing Business As) and why would I need one?
1) A fictitious name, DBA (Doing Business As), or trade name, is a name you can register with the County Recorders of in your county so that you may transact business as another name besides your company name.
2) You do not need to file for a fictitious name if you will be conducting business with your company name. You will only need to file for a fictitious name if you will be conducting business as a DIFFERENT name then your corporate name. For example, you can have a company name ABC, Inc then register a fictitious name Charley’s Pizza and then do business as Charley’s Pizza in advertising, letterhead, internet names and the like. So the company name remains the same and you will be able to transact business with this fictitious name.There are no holds on a fictitious name as it is a “nickname” or trade name of the company. So other companies can have the same fictitious name as other companies.
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