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Can I File Chapter 7 Before 8 Years?

The answer to this question is technically yes, but there are some important caveats to consider before making the decision to file for bankruptcy. Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a liquidation proceeding where the debtor's non-exempt assets are sold off to repay creditors. In most cases, filers are only able to discharge their debts and receive a fresh start after eight years.

However, there are some circumstances where filers may be able to file for Chapter 7 before the eight-year mark. For instance, if the filer can show that they have experienced a significant change in financial circumstances, such as a job loss or medical bills, then they may be able to file sooner.

The Law Offices of Omar Zambrano has helped thousands of people and businesses in the past to get out of debt and start over.

Our goal is to help you find a fresh start FAST!

Schedule your free consultation today! By Calling 626-338-5505 or visiting us at 12738 Ramona Blvd Baldwin Park CA 91706


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