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Do I own my vehicle? What percentage of it do I own?

Owning a vehicle can be an exciting and rewarding experience. It means you have the freedom to travel wherever you want, whenever you want. However, if your car is financed or leased, it may not belong to you entirely.

If your vehicle is bought with cash or paid off through financing, then it belongs to you outright and there is no percentage associated with ownership. On the other hand, if your vehicle was leased from a lender, then they own the majority of it - sometimes up to 70%. You would only own a percentage of the actual value of the car depending on how much was put down at purchase and/or any agreed-upon residual payments made at lease end.

Overall, whether or not you actually own your vehicle depends on how it was purchased and what type of payment arrangement has been established with the dealer or leasing company.

The Law Offices of Omar Zambrano has helped thousands of people and them businesses in the past to get out of debt and start over.

Our goal is to help you find a fresh start FAST!

Schedule your free consultation today! By Calling 626-338-5505 or visiting us at 12738 Ramona Blvd Baldwin Park CA 91706


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