Handling Student Loans When You Don’t Have A Job
With the huge cost of post-secondary education, it is no surprise that many students rely on student loans to cover their tuition and living expenses. Unfortunately, when you don’t have a job after graduation, finding the money to pay off your student loans can be difficult. But there are ways to manage your student loan debt even without a job.
The first step is to contact your loan servicer and explain your situation. Many lenders will offer repayment plans or deferment options for those who don’t have jobs or are facing financial difficulties. These options may reduce the amount of monthly payments or allow you to delay payments until you find employment. You should also explore other types of federal and private assistance programs that may provide additional support with loan repayments.
The Law Offices of Omar Zambrano has helped thousands of people and businesses in the past to get out of debt and start over.
Our goal is to help you find a fresh start so FAST!
Schedule your free consultation today! By Calling 626-338-5505 or visiting us at 12738 Ramona Blvd Baldwin Park CA 91706