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"Settling A Debt After Summons"

Once a person has been summoned to court for debt, it can be an intimidating and confusing process. One of the most important pieces of advice is to not ignore the summons or avoid taking any action. There are several ways that someone can try to settle their debt after receiving a summons.

First, it's important to contact the creditor and explain your financial situation. Requesting an appointment with them may help you come up with an agreement on how much you will pay back each month in order to satisfy your debt obligations. You can also ask for reduced payments so that you don't become overwhelmed with debt repayment and risk falling even further behind on your payments.

The main Law Offices of Omar Zambrano has helped thousands of people and businesses in the past to get out of debt and start over.

Our goal is to help you find a fresh start FAST!

Schedule your free consultation today! By Calling 626-338-5505 or visiting us at 12738 Ramona Blvd Baldwin Park CA 91706


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