Student Loan Discharge Due to Death
When a student loan borrower passes away, the debt is not automatically forgiven. However, in some cases, it may be possible for the family to get a discharge of any remaining student loans due to death.
The first step is to submit proof of death to the lender or loan servicer. This includes documentation such as a copy of the death certificate or obituary. Once received, the lender must then review each request and make a decision on whether to grant the discharge. If granted, this discharge would apply towards federal student loans only and any remaining balance would be cancelled with no further payment required from the estate.
In addition to federal student loans, private lenders may also offer loan forgiveness in certain situations where there is an evidence that repayment is no longer possible due to extenuating circumstances such as death or disability of an individual borrower.
The Law Offices of Omar Zambrano has helped thousands of the people and businesses in the past to get out of debt and start over.
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