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Biden is one of many Americans working past 80

We are back with a new video, Biden is one of many Americans working past 80

Biden is one of many Americans working past 80 nearly one in five Americans say they can't retire, according to a new study. The main reason they don't have enough saved.

The survey of 50 adults found that the median retirement savings is just 50 $0.And for many people, that's not nearly enough to last through their golden years. With the cost of living rising and the economy struggling, more and more Americans are finding themselves working well into their eightys.

In fact, one in four said they would be willing to work until they died if it meant they could afford property taxes or long term care. For those who are already retired, inflation is a major concern. It's not just retirees who are feeling the pinch. The survey found that millennial are also worried about the economy and their future prospects. One in four millennial said they have no savings at all, and nearly half said they were concerned about being able to retire. The survey comes as inflation is still extremely high in the United States. This could put even more pressure on Americans who are already struggling to make their credit card payments. If you are behind on your mortgage payments, credit card payments, or auto loans, the law offices of Omar's Zambrano can help you today. We offer a free consultation to discuss your legal legal options and advise you on the best course of action. Call us today at 626-338-5505 to learn more about how we can help you get back on track.

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