Your medical rights are protected by law but understanding them requires careful consideration
Your medical rights are protected by law but understanding them requires careful consideration
Here's what you need to know
Informed consent you have the right to be informed about your Medical Treatments and to consent or refuse them.
Quality of life considerations consider what quality of life means to you and how it might affect your medical decisions.
Creating an advance directive an advance directive is a vital legal document that outlines your medical wishes.
Identify your values what are your beliefs about life-sustaining treatments, pain management, and end-of-life care.
Choose a health care proxy select a trusted individual to make decisions on your behalf.
As a specialist in living trusts I can help you draft an advance directive that aligns with your values and complies with the law.
Communicate your wishes share your Advanced Directive with family, friends, and health care providers.
The role of living trusts in medical decision making.
Living trusts can play a vital role in managing your assets and Health Care decisions.
Asset protection a living trust can protect your assets and provide for your loved ones.
Health Care Provisions you can include specific Health Care Provisions in your living trust further safeguarding your medical wishes.
Ensuring your medical wishes are honored if you're incapacitated is a complex but vital process.
As an attorney specializing in living trusts I'm here to guide you through the legal landscape from creating Advanced directives to understanding living trusts.
For a free consultation and personalized guidance please contact me Omar Zambrano at 626-338-5505.
Together we can create a plan that honors your wishes and provides peace of mind for you and your loved ones.